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Mobile Crash Management from Backtrace

Backtrace makes it easy IOS and Android developers to integrate crash handling into their apps, capture and monitor errors, prioritize issues to work on, and get everything they need to debug the problem in a single interface.

Mobile Crash Management From Backtrace

Backtrace makes it easy IOS and Android developers to integrate crash handling into their apps, capture and monitor errors, prioritize issues to work on, and get everything they need to debug the problem in a single interface.

We’re proud to bring the power of Backtrace to native iOS and Android apps—making it easy for mobile developers to integrate crash handling into their apps, capture and monitor errors, prioritize issues to work on, and get everything they need to debug the problem in a single interface.

Key features:

  1. Easy installation with cocoapods for iOS, tvOS (Swift or Objective C) or gradle/maven for Android SDK (Java and Kotlin)
  2. Capture handled and unhandled fatal and non-fatal exceptions and crashes, with additional support for dSYM and ProGuard to generate readable function names, file paths, and line numbers
  3. Collect system information, custom metadata, and file attachments, including: device GUID, OS version, memory usage, process age, network, battery, and more
  4. Offline crash capture/storage for future collection
  5. Customizable event handlers and base classes
  6. Accurate grouping, so fatal and non-fatal error each get their own granular work item to triage
  7. 2-way sync with Jira issues to support your your triage, prioritization, and resolution workflows
  8. Extract the most value out of your collected errors with query, group by and aggregate support across all the machine data collected

You can read all the docs on the new interface at and

We’re determined to make Backtrace the best platform for cross-platform crash and exception capture and debugging. Try it out and send us your feedback!

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